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Anzahl der Einträge: 145
  • 23.09.2022 1:02 Min
    BfR-Nektar-Hektar: Teaser 6 – Das 5. interaktive Pflanzenlabyrinth Das Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR) lädt...
  • 23.09.2022 0:57 Min
    BfR-Nektar-Hektar: Teaser 5 – Das 5. interaktive Pflanzenlabyrinth Das Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR) lädt...
  • 15.09.2022 0:55 Min
    BfR-Nektar-Hektar: Teaser 4 – Das 5. interaktive Pflanzenlabyrinth Das Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR) lädt...
  • 15.09.2022 03:41 Min
    Hormones and Endocrine Disruptors Every day, consumers are exposed to a variety of...
  • 24.08.2022 0:44 Min
    What are zoonoses? Zoonoses are diseases that are transmitted from animals to...
  • 24.08.2022 0:37 Min
    Germs travel with you Raw animal products are not good souvenirs to bring back...
  • 24.08.2022 0:27 Min
    Too hot for the fridge [BfR series Correct Cooling] Should hot food be put in the fridge to cool down or...
  • 24.08.2022 0:37 Min
    How to organize your fridge [BfR series Correct Cooling] Keeping your fridge in order the right way? – Ms...
  • 24.08.2022 0:34 Min
    Defrosting in the fridge [BfR series Correct Cooling] Should frozen food be defrosted in the refrigerator or...
Anzahl der Einträge: 145


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