Communication No 001/2021 from the BfR
Identifying risks posed by new materials early on: kick-off meeting of an interagency working group "Advanced Materials"
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Communication No 003/2021 from the BfR
Danger in the pigsty: research project aims to restrict the spread of salmonella and hepatitis E viruses
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Communication No 002/2021 from the BfR
Glyphosate - what comes next and where can I have my say?
160.4 KB
BfR Opinion No 004/2021
Cases of listeriosis are becoming more common - are ready-to-eat foods to blame?
865.3 KB
BfR Opinion no. 005/2021
Declining iodine intake in the population: model scenarios to improve iodine intake
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BfR Opinion No 006/2021
The BfR recommends acute reference dose as basis for assessing hemp-containing foodstuff
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Revised BfR Communication No. 007/2021
Virus transmission (H5N8) from poultry food consumption is unlikely
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BfR Opinion No. 009/2021
Updated recommended maximum levels for the addition of vitamins and minerals to food supplements and conventional foods
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BfR Opinion No. 010/2021
Evaluation Report on the Results of the National Residue Control Plan and the Import Monitoring Plan 2018
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Communication No 011/2021 from the BfR
When the immune system overreacts - schoolgirls and a BfR scientist talk about allergies
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Communication No 012/2021 from the BfR
Project PAC-CAMPY: Strategies to combat Campylobacter in a practical test setting
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BfR Opinion No 013/2021
Assessment of health risks from pesticide residues on cut flowers
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Communication No 014/2021 from the BfR
Food additive titanium dioxide (E 171) under scrutiny: Re-evaluation by the European Food Safety Authority
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BfR Communication No. 015/2021
Vitamin D, the immune system and COVID-19
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Communication No 016/2021 from the BfR
Alternatives to plastic straws: Which materials are suitable?
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Updated BfR Opinion No 017/2021
Infant nutrition: Health risks due to erucic acid are not to be expected
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Joint Opinion No 018/2021 by the BfR and MRI
Assessment of the annual number of newly available products that are sweetened with fructose-glucose syrup or glucose-fructose syrup
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Communication No 019/2021 from the BfR
Glyphosate: Assessment report open for public comment in September
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BfR Opinion no. 020/2021
PFAS in food: BfR confirms critical exposure to industrial chemicals
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Joint communication No 022/2021 by the BfR and MRI
Does the bovine paratuberculosis pathogen play a role in the development of Crohn's disease in humans?
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Communication No 023/2021 from the BfR
PFAS industrial chemicals: BfR is participating in the EU-wide restriction proposal
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Communication No 026/2021 from the BfR
New BfR concept for identifying chemical combinations with potential health effects
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Updated BfR Opinion No 024/2021
Health risk assessment of ethylene oxide residues in sesame seeds
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BfR Opinion no. 027/2021
Preliminary health risk assessment of nicotine pouches
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BfR Communication No. 028/2021
Industrial chemical PFBA does not accumulate excessively in lungs and kidneys
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BfR Communication No 029/2021
Counted: Animal Experiments in the Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic
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Comunicado 030/2021 del BfR
Simposio latinoamericano y del caribe para fortalecer el análisis de riesgos en seguridad alimentaria
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BfR Communication No 030/2021
Latin and Central American Symposium on Strengthening Risk Analysis
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BfR Opinion No. 031/2021
Tattoo inks: minimum requirements and test methods
1012.6 KB
Updated BfR Information
BfR calculator for estimating external exposure of livestock animals to biocidal active substances
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Communication No. 032/2021 from the BfR
Working Meeting of the Digitalisation Laboratory for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
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BfR Communication No 033/2021
New EU research project investigates possible combination effects of chemicals in the womb
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BfR opinion No 034/2021 of 5 November 2021
Marking Eels with Alizarin Red S: Additional Studies Needed to Assess Health Risks
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BfR Communication No 035/2021
Endocrine Disruptors: A Cause for Obesity and Diabetes? - EDCMET annual meeting and BfR Stakeholder Workshop on new test methods for the the evaluation of endocrine disruptors
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BfR Communication 036/2021
African Swine Fever - No Hazard to Humans
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BfR Opinion no. 037/2021
PFAS maximum levels in feedstuffs: BfR recommends improved analytical methods
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BfR Opinion No. 038/2021
Re-evaluation of titanium dioxide: BfR draws similar conclusions as the European Food Safety Authority
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BfR Opinion No 040/2021
Curcumin in food supplements: Acceptable daily intake may be exceeded
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