BfR Opinion No 045/2018
Game meat: health assessment of human-pathogenic parasites
661.3 KB
BfR Opinion No 044/2018
Erucic acid: BfR endorses proposed maximum levels, but foods with added fats should be restricted too
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BfR Communication No. 043/2018
berufundfamilie audit: German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment awarded certificate for family-friendly personnel policy for the fourth time
140.9 KB
BfR Communication No 041/2018
How can science assert itself in the age of "fake news"?
150.8 KB
Updated BfR Opinion No. 040/2018
Risk assessment of chondroitin sulfate in food supplements
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Opinion No 039/2018 of the BfR
Poppy seeds in food: The content of opium alkaloid thebaine should be reduced as much as possible
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BfR Communication No 038/2018
Are microplastics poisonous? Guest researcher from France examines possible health risks
150.6 KB
BfR Communication No 037/2018
Non-dioxin-like PCBs are undesirable in food and feed
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BfR Communication No 036/2018
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) proposes new health-based guidance value for dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls
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BfR Communication No. 035/2018
Cooking for science - BfR MEAL study celebrating its 2nd birthday
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BfR Opinion No 034/2018
Tetrahydrocannabinol levels are too high in many hemp-containing foods - health impairments are possible
686.3 KB
BfR Communication No 033/2018
Is there a risk to human health from microplastics? More research and scientific data needed
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BfR Communication No. 031/2018
BfR and BVL simulate food crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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BfR Communication No 030/2018
REACH Compliance Workshop at the BfR
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BfR Communication No 029/2018
Plant protection products: Focus on consumer safety
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BfR Opinion No 028/2018
Brucellosis: Although risk of infection from mare's milk is low in Germany, BfR still recommends heat treatment
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BfR Communication No. 027/2018
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) put to the test
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BfR Opinion No 026/2018
EU maximum levels for cadmium in food for infants and young children sufficient - Exposure to lead should fundamentally be reduced to the achievable minimum
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BfR Communication No 025/2018
Connection between "chalky teeth" in children (molar-incisor hypomineralisation, MIH) and the uptake of Bisphenol A not likely
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BfR Opinion No 024/2018
Release of metals from enamel-coated grill racks: Several give off too much
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Updated BfR Communication No 023/2018
BfR calculator for estimating consumer exposure to biocide residues in food
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BfR Opinion No 021/2018
Francisella tularensis infections from foods unlikely
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BfR Communication No 019/2018
Isoglucose and sucrose (household sugar) can be assessed similarly in terms of the potential to damage health
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BfR Communication No 018/2018
Levels of pharmacologically active opium alkaloids in poppy seeds should be lowered to the minimum technologically achievable level
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BfR Communication No. 017/2018
BfR MEAL Study: BfR intensifying cooperation with Republic of Korea
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BfR Communication No 016/2018
Robotic arm and bone-on-a-chip: Schoolgirls meet BfR scientists at the German Centre for the Protection of Laboratory Animals
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BfR Opinion No. 014/2018
Polyamide oligomers: plastic components from kitchenware
183.2 KB
BfR Communication No 013/2018
Special committee on the EU procedure for approval of active substances in plant protection products: BfR statements can be accessed online
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BfR Opinion No 011/2018
Hygiene for chicken eggs – protection from Campylobacter
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BfR Opinion No 010/2018
Table potatoes should contain low levels of glycoalkaloids (solanine)
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BfR Opinion No 009/2018
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli in food: Prediction of the disease-causing potential of the various strains not yet possible
43.8 KB
Updated BfR Opinion No. 008/2018
Highly refined mineral oils in cosmetics: Health risks are not to be expected according to current knowledge
167.6 KB
Updated BfR Opinion No 007/2018
The entry of chlorate into the food chain should be reduced
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Updated BfR Opinion No 006/2018
The entry of perchlorate into the food chain should be reduced
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BfR Communication No. 004/2018
What does the future hold for harmonised human health risk assessment of plant protection products? Workshop on the optimisation and harmonisation of the risk assessment procedure at the BfR
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BfR Communication 003/2018
Small errors, fatal consequences: Why kitchen hygiene is not only important in canteens and restaurants but also at home
41.7 KB
Updated BfR Communication No. 002/2018
Updated assessment of the health risks posed by longer-term consumption of foods containing fipronil
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