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Selected scientific publications

It is a matter of importance for the BfR that its scientists place their results in specialist publications. On this page you will find selected specialist publications with short summaries.

Compiled by the year in which they first appeared, the publication lists which you will find in the box in the right-hand column provide an overview of annual publications.

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Selected Publications

Date Title Journal
22.11.2024 Transfer of fourteen pesticides from grapes (Vitis vinifera) into wine – Comparison of spiked grapes with grapes treated in the field Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
03.10.2024 Kinetics of 15 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) after single oral application as a mixture – A pilot investigation in a male volunteer Environment International
01.10.2024 Internal exposure to heat-induced food contaminants in omnivores, vegans and strict raw food eaters: biomarkers of exposure to 2- and 3-monochloropropanediol (urinary excretion) and glycidol (hemoglobin adduct N-2,3-dihydroxypropyl-Val) Archives of Toxicology
17.08.2024 Mono-n-hexyl phthalate: exposure estimation and assessment of health risks based on levels found in human urine samples Archives of Toxicology
23.07.2024 High toxinogenic potential of Staphylococcus aureus from wild ungulates in Brandenburg, Germany with a low level of antibiotic resistance Frontiers in Veterinary Science
18.07.2024 Investigating seasonal changes in factors associated with COVID-19 concerns: Results from a serial cross-sectional survey study in Germany between 2020 and 2023 Frontiers in Public Health
03.05.2024 Draft genome sequence of a Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strain from deer meat showing an IS-element integration in the B-subunit of the Shiga toxin Stx2b gene ASM Journals, Microbiology
08.04.2024 Quantification of sixteen cannabinoids in hemp seed edible oils and the influence of thermal processing on cannabinoid contents and profiles Food Additives & Contaminants
15.01.2024 First purported images of ciguatoxin-3C by cryogenic and transmission electron microscopy Journal of Molecular Structure
05.12.2023 The adverse outcome pathway for breast cancer: a knowledge management framework bridging biomedicine and toxicology Discover Oncology
01.11.2023 Toxicokinetic modeling of the transfer of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) into milk of high-yielding cows during negative and positive energy balance Computational Toxicology
26.10.2023 New approach methodologies in human regulatory toxicology – Not if, but how and when! Environment International
10.10.2023 Prenatal and Early Postnatal Exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): What Is the Correlation between Dioxins and Long-Chain Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS)? Environ Health Perspect
26.06.2023 Genomic Evidence of mcr-1.26 IncX4 Plasmid Transmission between Poultry and Humans Microbiology Spectrum
16.03.2023 Root uptake and metabolization of Alternaria toxins by winter wheat plants using a hydroponic system Mycotoxin Research
06.03.2023 A sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of the plant toxins hypoglycin A and methylenecyclopropylglycine and their metabolites in cow’s milk and urine and application to farm milk samples from Germany Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
24.02.2023 Risks of misinterpretation of biomarker measurements in spot urine adjusted for creatinine - A problem especially for studies comparing plant based with omnivorous diets International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
19.02.2023 Proportionality principle revisited-relationship between application ratesand pesticide residue concentrationsin food commodities Pest Management Science
10.02.2023 Gesund oder giftig? Lebensmittel zwischen gefühlten und tatsächlichen Risiken Forum
01.02.2023 Summary and derived Risk Assessment of 3D printing emission studies Atmospheric Environment
31.01.2023 Comment on “Maternal Exposure to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Male Reproductive Function in Young Adulthood: Combined Exposure to Seven PFAS” Environmental Health Perspectives
30.01.2023 The fate of surplus laboratory animals EMBO Reports
16.01.2023 A walk in the PARC: developing and implementing 21st century chemical risk assessment in Europe Archives of Toxicology
22.10.2022 Participatory Science Communication Through Consensus Conferences: Legitimacy Evaluations of a German Consensus Conference on Genome Editing Science Communication
13.10.2022 Roadmap for Mixture Toxicity published EFSA Journal
30.09.2022 3-MCPD as contaminant in processed foods: State of knowledge and remaining challenges Food Chemistry
26.09.2022 Transdermal absorption of 13C4-perfluorooctanoic acid (13C4-PFOA) from a sunscreen in a male volunteer - What could be the contribution of cosmetics to the internal exposure of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)? Environment International
06.09.2022 Instrument comparability of non-targeted UHPLC-HRMS for wine authentication Food Control
06.09.2022 Investigations on the Transfer of Quinolizidine Alkaloids from Lupinus angustifolius into the Milk of Dairy Cows Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
29.08.2022 Critical assessment of chemometric models employed for varietal authentication of wine based on UHPLC-HRMS data Food Control
30.06.2022 Results of the BfR MEAL Study: In Germany, mercury is mostly contained in fish and seafood while cadmium, lead, and nickel are present in a broad spectrum of foods Food Chemistry: X
17.06.2022 Hydrolysierte Säuglingsnahrung für die Allergieprävention - wissenschaftliche Evidenz und Empfehlungen für die Praxis Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde
15.06.2022 Fluoridanwendungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland Oralprophylaxe & Kinderzahnheilkunde
31.03.2022 Standardised Sampling Approach for Investigating Pathogens or Environmental Chemicals in Wild Game at Community Hunts Animals
27.03.2022 Phylogeny and spatiotemporal dynamics of hepatitis E virus infections in wild boar and deer from six areas of Germany during 2013–2017 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
25.02.2022 The Public’s Understanding of Superfoods Sustainability
23.12.2021 Evaluation of different types of enrichment - their usage and effect on home cage behavior in female mice PLoS ONE
16.12.2021 Communicating Food Risk-Benefit Assessments: Edible Insects as Red Meat Replacers frontiers in Nutrition
22.09.2021 Analysis of German BSE Surveillance Data: Estimation of the Prevalence of Confirmed Cases versus the Number of Infected, but Non-Detected, Cattle to Assess Confidence in Freedom from Infection. Environmental Research and Public Health
13.09.2021 Comprehensive framework for human health risk assessment of nanopesticides Nature Nanotechnology
10.09.2021 Alkenylbenzenes in Foods: Aspects Impeding the Evaluation of Adverse Health Effects Foods
25.08.2021 Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA): No high-level accumulation in human lung and kidney tissue International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
23.08.2021 Internal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in vegans and omnivores International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
23.08.2021 Vegan Diet and Bone Health—Results from the Cross-Sectional RBVD Study nutrients
01.08.2021 Entwicklung des Antibiotikaeinsatzes in der Nutztierhaltung Deutsches Tierärzteblatt
15.07.2021 A prospective whole-mixture approach to assess risk of the food and chemical exposome Nature Food
01.07.2021 Bioactivation of estragole and anethole leads to common adducts in DNA and hemoglobin Food and Chemical Toxicology
01.07.2021 The "EU chemicals strategy for sustainability" questions regulatory toxicology as we know it: is it all rooted in sound scientific evidence? Archives of Toxicology
26.05.2021 Short- and Branched-Chain Fatty Acids as Fecal Markers for Microbiota Activity in Vegans and Omnivores nutrients
05.03.2021 One Health Surveillance Codex: promoting the adoption of One Health solutions within and across European countries One Health
01.03.2021 The fate of mycotoxins during the primary food processing of maize Food Control
09.11.2020 A scientific review of colorful textiles Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety
08.10.2020 Evaluation of different target genes for the detection of Salmonella sp. by loop-mediated isothermal amplification Letters in Applied Microbiology
31.08.2020 Vegane Ernährungsweise: Versorgungsstatus mit Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen Deutsches Ärzteblatt
29.03.2020 Internal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and biological markers in 101 healthy 1-year-old children: associations between levels of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and vaccine response Archives of Toxicology
20.02.2020 Analgesic treatment with buprenorphine should be adapted to the mouse strain Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior
28.10.2019 Aggregated aluminium exposure: risk assessment for the general population Archives of Toxicology
10.10.2019 Heated Tobacco Products: A Review of Current Knowledge and Initial Assessments Frontiers in Public Health
22.09.2019 Vergleich von drei Emissionsprüfkammern für die Untersuchung von Verbraucherprodukten Indoor Air - International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health
01.09.2019 Consumer protection and risk assessment: sensitising substances in consumer products Allergo Journal International
01.04.2019 Antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli from pigs from birth to slaughter and its association with antibiotic treatment Preventive Veterinary Medicine
30.03.2019 Report from the BfR expert hearing on practicability of hormonal measurements: recommendations for experimental design of toxicological studies with integrated hormonal end points Archives of Toxicology
06.02.2019 Refinement of dietary exposure assessment using origin-related scenarios Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology
22.11.2018 A comparative assessment of the CLP calculation method and in vivo testing for the classification of plant protection products Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
05.11.2018 Comparison of lead levels in edible parts of red deer hunted with lead or non-lead ammunition Science of The Total Environment
23.07.2018 Release of aluminium and thallium ions from uncoated food contact materials made of aluminium alloys into food and food simulant PLOS one
01.07.2018 Liver lobe and strain differences in the activity of murine cytochrome P450 enzymes Toxicology
01.07.2018 Diversity of CTX-M-1-producing E. coli from German food samples and genetic diversity of the blaCTX-M-1 region on IncI1 ST3 plasmids Veterinary Microbiology
22.06.2018 Fremdstoffe und Krankheitserreger in der Muttermilch - ein Risiko für das Kind? Bundesgesundheitsblatt
20.06.2018 Laser Irradiation of Organic Tattoo Pigments Releases Carcinogens with 3,30-Dichlorobenzidine Inducing DNA Strand Breaks in Human Skin Cells Journal of Investigative Dermatology
14.06.2018 Harmonized terms, concepts and metadata for microbiological risk assessment models: the basis for knowledge integration and exchange Microbial Risk Analysis
06.06.2018 Severity Assessment from animal´s point of view Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift
01.05.2018 Antimicrobial susceptibility in faecal Escherichia coli from pigs after enrofloxacin administration in an experimental environment Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift
01.04.2018 Short communication: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in conventional and organic dairy herds in Germany Journal of Dairy Science
01.04.2018 CMR substances in consumer products: from food contact materials to toys Archives of Toxicology
01.04.2018 Regulation of Drug Metabolism by the Interplay of Inflammatory Signaling, Steatosis, and Xeno-Sensing Receptors in HepaRG Cells Drug Metabolism and Disposition
11.01.2018 Disease burden of methylmercury in the German birth cohort 2014 PLOS ONE
22.12.2017 Nanomaterials: certain aspects of application, risk assessment and risk communication Archives of Toxicology
14.12.2017 Rethinking 3R strategies: Digging deeper into AnimalTestInfo promotes transparency in in vivo biomedical research PLOS Biology
27.09.2017 Air Quality Effects on Human Health and Approaches for Its Assessment through Microfluidic Chips Genes
21.09.2017 Copper and zinc content in wild game shot with lead or non-lead ammunition - implications for consumer health protection PLOS ONE
19.09.2017 Hunting of roe deer and wild boar in Germany: Is non-lead ammunition suitable for hunting? PLOS ONE
19.09.2017 Biometrical evaluation of the performance of the revised OECD Test Guideline 402 for assessing acute dermal toxicity Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
18.09.2017 Identification of a novel transposon-associated phosphoethanolamine transferase gene, mcr-5, conferring colistin resistance in d-tartrate fermenting Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi B Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
12.09.2017 Synchrotron-based ν-XRF mapping and μ-FTIR microscopy enable to look into the fate and effects of tattoo pigments in human skin Scientific Reports
30.06.2017 Ochrobactrum Phages and Brucella Frontiers in Microbiology
17.05.2017 Acquisition of virulence factors in livestock-associated MRSA Scientific Reports
05.04.2017 Activation of the cold-receptor TRPM8 by low levels of menthol in tobacco products Toxicology Letters
04.04.2017 Toxification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by commensal bacteria from human skin Archives of Toxicology
01.04.2017 Biokinetics of nanomaterials: The role of biopersistence NanoImpact
16.03.2017 Brucella spp. of amphibians comprise genomically diverse motile strains competent for replication in macrophages and survival in mammalian hosts Scientific Reports
30.01.2017 Reduction of lead contents in game meat: results of the 'Food safety of game meat obtained through hunting' research project Game meat hygiene
16.01.2017 Detection and genome characterization of bovine polyomaviruses in beef muscle and ground beef samples from Germany International Journal of Food Microbiology
21.12.2016 Erneuter Nachweis von Carbapenemase-bildenden E. coli bei Schweinen in Deutschland in 2015 und 2016 Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
07.10.2016 Risiken für bakterielle Infektionen nach Tätowierungen Deutsches Ärzteblatt International
07.10.2016 The risk of bacterial infection after tattooing Deutsches Ärzteblatt International
07.10.2016 Vom Tattoostudio in die Notaufnahme Deutsches Ärzteblatt International
07.10.2016 From the tattoo studio to the emergency room Deutsches Ärzteblatt International
06.10.2016 Wissenschaftliche Grundlage zur Identifizierung von hormonell-schädigenden Substanzen: ein Konsenspapier Archives of Toxikology
06.10.2016 Scientific principles for the identification of endocrine-disrupting chemicals: a consensus statement Archives of Toxikology
18.09.2016 At the right place for an appropriate time: Activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in human cells Scientific Reports
18.09.2016 Am richtigen Platz zur passenden Zeit: Die Aktivierung des Arylhydrocarbon-Rezeptors in menschlichen Zellen Scientific Reports
01.09.2016 Erstmaliger Nachweis der Entstehung von Polyethylen-Mikroplastik durch Flugzeit-Sekundärionenmassenspektrometrie (ToF-SIMS) Science of the Total Environment
01.09.2016 First detection of the formation of polyethylene microplastics by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) Science of the Total Environment
17.08.2016 Zwischen Wissen und Metaphysik - wo steht das Vorsorgeprinzip im Streit um die Risikobewertung von Glyphosat? ZLR - Zeitschrift für das gesamte Lebensmittelrecht
25.07.2016 Prevalence of mcr-1 in E. coli from Livestock and Food in Germany, 2010–2015 PLOS ONE
25.07.2016 BfR-Symposium „Insekten als Lebens- oder Futtermittel: Nahrung der Zukunft?“ Bericht zum Symposium am 24. Mai 2016 Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
25.07.2016 Nachweis des Colistin-Resistenzgens mcr-1 in E. coli aus Lebensmittelproben in Deutschland, 2010-2015 PLOS ONE
16.06.2016 Fewer animal experiments due to optimal animal model selection EMBO Molecular Medicine
16.06.2016 Tierversuche: Durch die Auswahl des optimalen Tiermodells können diese reduziert werden EMBO Molecular Medicine
11.05.2016 Risiken von Tätowiermitteln: Identifikation und Gefahrenabschätzung von Pigmenten durch Pyrolyse-Gaschromatographie/ Massenspektrometrie Archives of Toxicology
11.05.2016 Risks of tattoo pigments: Identification and estimation of the potential hazard of pigments by means of pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry Archives of Toxicology
29.04.2016 Abgabe von Silber-Nanopartikeln aus funktionalisierten Textilien in künstlichen Schweiß Environmental Science Technology
29.04.2016 Textile Functionalization and Its Effects on the Release of Silver Nanoparticles into Artificial Sweat Environmental Science Technology
25.01.2016 Bestimmung von Glyphosatgehalten in Muttermilch Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
25.01.2016 Determination of Glyphosate Levels in Breast Milk Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
23.01.2016 Tattoos: Was ist derzeit bekannt zu möglichen Gesundheitsrisiken? The Lancet
23.01.2016 Tattoos: What do we know about potential health risks? The Lancet
15.01.2016 Östrogene Aktivitäten von aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen in Mineralöl (MOAH) PLOS One
09.12.2015 Risikokommunikation in Krisenzeiten - Fallstricke und Herausforderungen zur Gewährleistung von Notfallvorsorge statt Hysterie EMBO reports
09.12.2015 Risk communication in times of crisis- Pitfalls and challenges in ensuring preparedness instead of hysterics EMBO reports
01.11.2015 Hepatotoxic effects of (tri)azole fungicides in a broad dose range Archives of Toxicology
15.10.2015 Freisetzung von Metallen aus Kaffeemaschinen und elektrischen Wasserkochern Food Additives & Contaminants
15.10.2015 Release of metals from coffee machines and electric kettles Food Additives & Contaminants
05.08.2015 BfR weist erstmals Blausäure nach Laserbestrahlung eines Tätowierungspigments nach Scientific Reports
05.08.2015 The BfR has for the first time detected hydrogen cyanide following laser treatment of a blue tattoo pigment Scientific Reports
18.03.2015 Regulatorische Toxikologie im 21. Jahrhundert - Herausforderungen, Perspektiven und Lösungsansätze Archives of Toxicology
17.03.2010 Toxicity and carcinogenicity of furan in human diet Archives of Toxicology




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