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Unit Product Research and Nanotechnology

The tasks and core working fields of the unit comprise the following areas:

Analysis of the influence of material properties and production methods on consumer exposure

  • Determination of the contribution of product and material categories to total exposure
  • Dependence of substance migration on material properties (e.g. plastics, metals)
  • Tracking of the technological standard of material development in consumer products
  • Assessment of the practicability of limit values
  • Establishment of methods for material testing for the early detection of substance-based risks
  • Support of the German States (“Länder”) with the implementation of the Food and Feed Code (LFGB)
  • Health risk assessment of new materials

Development of scientific grounds for the further development of the regulation of tattoo inks

  • Development and validation of analytical methods for ingredients of tattoo inks
  • Biokinetics of pigments including their degradation and decomposition products
  • Preparation of scientific opinions and expert reports

Analysis of the use of nanotechnology in consumer products and development of methods for risk assessment

  • Development of methods for the determination of particle release from sprays, textiles, food contact materials and other consumer products
  • Use and further development of innovative analytical methods, such as single particle analysis via mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (SP-ICP-MS)
  • Establishment of innovative imaging techniques such as time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) to qualitatively characterize such products urnished with nanotechnology
  • Analysis of the  accumulation and biokinetics of nanomaterials in vivo
  • Preparation of expert reports and scientific opinions on risk assessment

The unit is involved in the work of the BfR Committee for Consumer Products and its sub-committees.

Moreover, members of the unit are active in national and international bodies such as the AfPS Committee for Product Safety, the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN), the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The unit is involved in national and international research projects contributing with the aspect of risk assessment in the area of material research. The overall goal is to provide advice for the development of safe materials and products.


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Organisation Chart of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 142.7 KB


Head of Unit

Dr. Peter Laux


Visitors' address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin

Postal address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin



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