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Unit Press and Public Relations

BfR has the statutory task of informing the general public about health risks, its findings on other topics and work results (§ 2 para 1, no 12 BfRG). In this context it strives to achieve the highest possible degree of transparency. It aims to disclose not only its assessment results but also the process that led to that assessment.

Within the framework of this statutory task Unit 23 attends to communication and public relations activities for the Institute. This includes the translation of scientific findings into easily comprehensible information and recommendations on consumer health protection for highly diverse groups. It also presents the Institute and its work to the public at large, expert circles and the media.

The Unit informs the media about its activities in a process-related manner and increasingly favours the active depiction of its work. To this end, the media landscape is continuously scanned for topics which are of importance for the Institute and are suitable for features.

The Unit Communication and Public Relations mainly uses the following tools in its work:

  • Press releases on topical findings
  • Presentation of scientific results on the internet
  • Press conferences on relevant topics / events (if necessary, at short notice)
  • Press conferences on complex issues (e.g. risk assessment and exposure, acrylamide)
  • Publication of information and audiovisual material (scientific publications, brochures, leaflets, posters, image brochures, annual reports, etc)
  • Media back-up for hearings, symposia, international congresses


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Organisation Chart of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 118.4 KB


Head of Unit

Dr. Suzan Fiack


Visitors' address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin

Postal address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin




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