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Transdermal absorption of 13C4-perfluorooctanoic acid (13C4-PFOA) from a sunscreen in a male volunteer - What could be the contribution of cosmetics to the internal exposure of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)?
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a complex group of man-made chemicals with high stability and mobility leading to ubiquitous environmental contamination and accumulation especially of some long-chain perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAA) in humans. While dietary intake is the main route of exposure, transdermal uptake from cosmetic products usually is considered negligible. However, PFAS are present in a part of these products, and recent epidemiological studies have provided evidence for relevant uptake via this route. The crucial question is whether PFAA in cosmetic products can cross the human skin barrier. For PFOA mixed into a sunscreen, this experimental approach demonstrates a significant uptake of a PFAA via transdermal absorption in humans.
The article was published in the journal "Environment International"
Transdermal absorption of 13C4-perfluorooctanoic acid (13C4-PFOA) from a sunscreen in a male volunteer - What could be the contribution of cosmetics to the internal exposure of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)?
Klaus Abraham, Bernhard H. Monien
Environment International
Volume 169,