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Study Centre Supply Chain Modelling and Artificial Intelligence

The Study Centre Supply Chain Modelling and Artificial Intelligence (4SZ WKM-KI) has been established to support the development of innovative IT solutions and model-based forecasting tools at the BfR.

It continues the BfR's work on supply chain modelling (including the work of the Junior Research Group on Supply Chain Models) and the establishment of harmonised exchange formats for risk assessment models within the RAKIP Initiative (Risk Assessment Knowledge Integration Platform). The aim is to develop solutions that the entire BfR can use.

Tasks, projects and goals

The Study Centre's work notably focuses on the utilisation of methods from the field of artificial intelligence (AI) for assessment work at the BfR. The Study Centre is significantly involved in the work of the KIDA (Artificial Intelligence and Data Accelerator) project funded by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMEL) and is developing solutions as part of this for the efficient provision of research data and models in machine-readable and interoperable formats.

Study Centre staff members are also involved in and coordinate several national and international research projects.

The work carried out at the Study Centre is divided into the following sub-areas:


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Matthias Filter

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