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Access to BgVV chemical information systems possible via DIMDI
27/2000, 01.12.2000
Data on 3,000 consumer-relevant substances facilitate rapid assessment of risks.
Joint press release by DIMDI and BgVV
The abbreviation "CIVS" stands for BgVV's own "Chemical Information System for Consumer-relevant Substances", a database on consumer chemicals. It emerged from the information system CHEMIS-GSA, a rapid access database for dangerous substances for public services. It provides rapid information in the event of accidents involving chemicals to health authorities, the fire brigade, police and other emergency services. The consumer-oriented database, CIVS, contains data sets on around 3,000 substances present in various household products and other consumer preparations. Access is free of charge access via the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information.
CIVS contains
- Data to identify a substance in various international designation systems which facilitate clear substance classification
- Details about important applications of the substance
- Details of dangerous substance reactions and reaction products
- Details about toxic properties of the chemicals
- Information on steps to be taken in the event of poisoning, fire or leakage
- Information on classification in line with the Dangerous substances regulations, on protection at work and
- physico-chemical data on a substance
The information system permits rapid assessment of the risks associated with a substance. The database is supplemented and updated on an ongoing basis but does not make any claim to completeness.
In addition to CIVS, access is also possible as of today via DIMDI to the dangerous substances fast access database (CHEMIS-GSA). A user code is required for CHEMIS-GSA which is issued by BgVV only to public authorities.
There is also a direct link to both databases (with the constraints mentioned above for the user circle of CHEMIS-GSA) from the BgVV homepage (