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New strategies to reduce disease incidence in organic broiler farming with special consideration of the gut microbiome (Pro-Bio-Huhn)
Funding programme / funding institution: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) - Deutschland
Grant number: 2821OE034
Project homepage: -
Project description:
The project has the following aims:
- Gather knowledge on disease- and treatment frequency and antimicrobial resistance in organic poultry meat producing farms
- Unravelling the associations between type of bird, gut microbiome, disease frequency, antimicrobial resistance considering age of animals, growth rates, housing environment, and management including feed (e.g. fiber content)
- Deduction an Evaluation of innovative strategies to reduce disease incidence in organic broiler farms considering farm-specific and overarching factors (feeding, health management, type of bird etc.
Project partners
- Universität Kassel (Uni Kassel) - Deutschland
- Universität Hohenheim (Uni Hohenheim) - Deutschland
- Thüringer Tierseuchenkasse (TTSK)