Human Resources

The Human Resources Section offers comprehensive information and advice in all personnel matters for employees and civil servants. The main objective of the Personnel Section is to provide the best possible working conditions necessary for BfR to accomplish its purpose. All employees are to be provided with a productive and positive working environment.

As our Institute is still under development, one of the section’s most important tasks is personnel recruitment. Various synchronised approaches in human resource development facilitate that skills are maintained and further developed. The section plans and organises e.g. a choice of management development instruments, in-house seminars on a variety of topics, external trainings and workshops. In addition, BfR employee health management is organised as inter-departmental task by the Personnel Section, which offers preventive measures such as vaccinations, informational events and a number of sports activities. BfR provides vocational education and training in seven different areas. The coordination, planning and organisation are carried out by training management within the Personnel Section. As internal service provider, the Personnel Section carries out additional tasks such as travel expense reimbursement or public transport tickets for employees.

In order to continue to support the balance of career and family, the Personnel Section endorses arrangements such as flexible working hours, various models of part-time work, alternating telecommuting jobs, in-house seminars and a number of advisory services.


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Organisation Chart of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 142.7 KB


Temp. Head of Unit

Henrik Zapel


Visitors' address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin

Postal address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin




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