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Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Modelling Platform for NanoInformatics (NanoInformaTIX)
This third-party funded project is conducted in the framework of the BfR research programme on nanotechnology.
EC Grant agreement number: 814426
Project homepage:
Project description:
The aim of NanoInformaTIX is to develop a Sustainable Modelling Framework (SMF) to support hazard, exposure and risk assessment of nanomaterials and to assist the design of new nanomaterials safe for humans and the environment (“safe-by-design” nanomaterials). The implementation of the sustainable modelling-based computer tools will make it possible to predict the toxicity and the exposure for new nanomaterials as early as possible in the product design level. This will reduce the time and costs of experiments conducted and limit the research carried out on laboratory animals to a necessary minimum. The NanoInformatics Sustainable Modelling Framework (SMF) will be implemented as a web-based platform with a user-friendly interface accessible for different stakeholders (industry, regulators and civil society). The project has six thematic work packages:
- Data and database (WP2)
- Nanomaterials and Material Modelling (WP3)
- From Material to Exposure: Exposure Modelling (WP4)
- From Dose to Response: The descriptors of the dose (WP5)
- Model validation and Integration (WP6)
- Designing/Implementing the NanoInformaTIX Platform (WP7)
BfR part of the project:
BfR will lead work package 6 “Model validation and Integration”. The main objective of WP6 is to select models generated by WP’s 3-5 and to prioritize them for model i) integration, ii) improvement, iii) validation and iv) for use in specific case studies. The key outcome of WP6 is a reliable system of validated and integrated models and strategies, fit-for-purpose for several industrial and regulatory applications, e.g. for screening/ prioritization, for material/ product design and to predict human/ environmental hazards and risks. Finally, the models will be validated/ verified according to scientific principles such as the OECD validation principles for QSAR models.
BfR will also contribute to several tasks in WP5, e.g. in Extrapolation in vitro/in vivo, Systems Biology Modelling and lead task 5.4 Grouping/Classifying nanomaterials. In WP8, BfR will contribute together with all partners to Dissemination and Communication: dissemination for awareness, dissemination for understanding and dissemination for action.
Project partners:
- Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior Deinvestigaciones Cien (Spain)
- Institute of Occupational Medicine (UK)
- European Research Services GmbH (Germany)
- Aarhus Universitet (DK)
- University College Dublin, National University of Ireland (Ireland)