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Synchrotron-based ν-XRF mapping and μ-FTIR microscopy enable to look into the fate and effects of tattoo pigments in human skin

Scientists of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) proved in the course of an international research project that nanometric pigments from tattoo inks can permanently accumulate in lymph nodes.

The study was published in the Scientific Reports magazine of the Nature Publishing Group on 12 September 2017.

Synchrotron-based ν-XRF mapping and μ-FTIR microscopy enable to look into the fate and effects of tattoo pigments in human skin
Ines Schreiver, Bernhard Hesse, Christian Seim, Hiram Castillo-Michel, Julie Villanova, Peter Laux, Nadine Dreiack, Randolf Penning, Remi Tucoulou, Marine Cotte, Andreas Luch

Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 11395 (2017)
Published online: 12 September 2017


Fragen und Antworten

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Fragen und Antworten des BfR
Fragen und Antworten zur vom BfR geleiteten Kooperationsstudie zum Nachweis von Tattoo-Farbpigmenten als Nanopartikel in Lymphknoten 45.7 KB


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Tätowierungen: Farbpigmente wandern auch als Nanopartikel im Körper Kosmetika, Tätowierung




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