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Study Centre for Social Science Research

The Study Centre for Social Science Research (2SZ) is part of the Risk Communication Department at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). It is involved in the investigation of the risk perception of consumers and the development and evaluation of target group-specific risk communication measures in consumer health protection. In multifaceted research projects, the attitudes and behavioural patterns of consumers towards health risks are examined, special features of different target groups are identified, existing communication measures are evaluated and recommendations are formulated.

The study centre's interdisciplinary team includes researchers from the fields of psychology, sociology, linguistics, communication and political science. Various research methods are used to implement the research projects, including one-on-one interviews, focus groups, online and telephone surveys as well as content and discourse analysis. In addition, the Study Centre has a laboratory for behavioural science experiments.

Through commissioning and third-party funding, the Study Centre promotes cooperation with external research institutions and practice partners at a national and international level. Within the BfR, the Study Centre provides advice with its methodological and content-related expertise.

The Study Centre contributes to a differentiated theory-informed and evidence-based assessment of the perception of health risks and to the evaluation and improvement of the effectiveness of communication measures. In order to promote the application of the findings in practice and to improve risk communication in various areas, study results are shared with the (professional) public through various channels and formats. These include, among others, publications in peer-reviewed journals as well as presentations at conferences and workshops with relevant stakeholders.


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Head of Unit

Head of Study Centre for Social Science Research

Dr. Severine Koch

Dr. Annett Schulze


Visitors' address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin

Postal address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin


Specialist Publications - Open Agrar publications database

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