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BfR Commission for Tattoo Inks

The new international BfR commission for tattoo inks advises the BfR on relevant questions about tattoo inks and provides support with expert knowledge. The first meeting took place March 23, 2023.

Task of the BfR Commission for Tattoo Inks

The task of the BfR Commission for Tattoo Inks is to provide expert advice to the BfR in its tasks regarding the safety of tattoo inks and permanent make-up.

It advises the BfR on matters regarding the composition of tattoo inks, their analysis and the manufacturing processes. Moreover, it gives the BfR advice on matters regarding the toxicological analysis of tattoo ink pigments. To do this, it evaluates the suitability of testing guidelines and advices on their further and new development.

The Commission will provide the BfR with scientific expertise regarding further measures required for a comprehensive assessment of the health risks posed by tattoo inks, with the objective of reducing risks to human health in line with the latest technology.

Members of the BfR Commission

The BfR Commission for Tattoo Inks comprises experts from various fields, notably in analytics, technology, toxicology, and medicine.



Date Title Size
Protokoll vom 18. April 2024, Veröffentlichung
3rd Meeting of the BfR Commission on Tattoo Inks 182.8 KB
Protokoll vom 16. November 2023, Veröffentlichung
2nd Meeting of the BfR Commission on Tattoo Inks 242.4 KB
Protokoll vom 23. März 2023, Veröffentlichung
1st Meeting of the BfR Commission on Tattoo Inks 285.2 KB



BfR Administrator
Dr. Peter Laux



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