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risk assessment
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27.08.2019 Report
LARAS - Latin American Risk Assessment Symposium |
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03.11.2022 Programme
International Symposium "One substance - one assessment? The next 20 years" |
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04.11.2022 Presentation Maurice Whelan, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
Keynote: Key elements for better regulation of chemicals |
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04.11.2022 Presentation Thomas Hartung, Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Keynote: Toxicology for the 21st century 2.0 |
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04.11.2022 Presentation Anne Marie Vinggaard, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark
Chemical mixture risk assessment in the past and the future |
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04.11.2022 Presentation Jacob van Klaveren, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Mixture risk assessment from science to policy |
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04.11.2022 Presentation Tewes Tralau, BfR
Mixture risk assessment - 20 years of toxicology and still no quick fix. Can NAMs finally provide a solution? |
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04.11.2022 Presentation Georges Kass, EFSA, Parma, Italy
Use of NAMs in the area of food safety |
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04.11.2022 Presentation Bob van de Water, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Breaking the barriers for toxicogenomics in risk assessment |
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04.11.2022 Presentation Ellen Fritsche, Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, Düsseldorf, Germany
An in vitro battery adressing developmental neurotoxicity |
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04.11.2022 Presentation Nicole Kleinstreuer, The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Durham, USA
Building models for regulatory application: understanding challenges and increasing trust |
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03.11.2022 Presentation Suzan Fiack, BfR, Germany
How to develop new tailored communication tools |
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03.11.2022 Presentation Barbara Gallani, European Food Safety Authority, Parma, Italy
Risk communication and EFSA |
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03.11.2022 Presentation Mercedes Viñas, European Chemicals Agency, Helsinki, Finland
Tattoos and poisoning accidents - joint campaigning for EU citizens |
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03.11.2022 Presentation Claudio Canales, Chilean Agency for Food Safety and Quality, Santiago, Chile
Creativity and risk communication: building trust and education through social media |
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03.11.2022 Presentation Sara Mikrut Vunjak, Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Osijek, Croatia
Public institution and cinema movies |
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03.11.2022 Presentation Michelle Patel, Food Standards Agency, London, UK
Innovative ways of exchanging knowledge with society |
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03.11.2022 Presentation Jean-Yves Madec, Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), Maisons-Alfort, France
Challenges related to the environmental dimension of AMR |
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03.11.2022 Presentation Bernd-Alois Tenhagen, BfR
Role of benchmarking in the reduction of antibiotic consumption in animal husbandry |
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20.02.2020 Presentation Makiko Kuwagata, National Institute of Health Sciences, Kawasaki, Japan
Research on the mechanism of thoracolumbar supernumerary rib by use of computed tomography (CT) |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Anna Bal-Price, European Commission
Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs)-driven evaluation of developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) induced by mixture of environmental chemicals |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Marcel Leist, Universität Konstanz
Linking test systems to the prediction of DNT |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Magda Sachana, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France
OECD framework for a DNT testing Battery and Case studies |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Francisco Paumgartten, Fiocruz,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Berlin Workshop view on a new survey for recategorisation of grey zone anomalies |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Alberto Mantovani, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
View of a developmental toxicologist from the EU |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Michio Fujiwara, Astellas Pharma Inc., Tokyo, Japan
Japanese proposal for update of definitions and re-categorization of grey zone anomalies |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Weihua Li; Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research
New Pictures in the DevTox Database |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Jochen Buschmann, Independent Consultant,Hannover, Germany
Follow up activities of the Berlin Workshop with the JTS and ETS |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Rupert Kellner, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicologyand Experimental Medicine (ITEM), Hannover
Key note lecture: 25 years DevTox Workshops: historic background, scientific and technical improvements |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Konstanze Grote/ Ibrahim Chahoud, Charité, Berlin
Key note lecture: where we were and where we are now |
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19.02.2020 Presentation Roland Solecki, BfR
Key note lecture: 10th Berlin-Workshop on Developmental Toxicology |
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28.08.2019 Dr David Schumacher, BfR, Germany, Professor Eloisa Dutra Caldas, University of Brasilia, Brazil, Dr Su-sanne Rath, University of Campinas, Brazil
Chemical Risk Assessment regarding Veterinary Drug Residues |
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28.08.2019 Presentation Dr Frederic Müller, Unit BfR Academy, Department Risk Communication
7 Dos and Don’ts in Crisis Communication |
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28.08.2019 Dr Anja Buschulte, BfR, Germany
Workshop Microbiological risk assessment regarding Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) |
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27.08.2019 Dr David Schumacher, BfR, Germany
Veterinary drug residues and food safety |
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27.08.2019 Dr. Anja Buschulte, BfR, Germany
Risk assessment of antimicrobial resistance |
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27.08.2019 Presentation Dr. Simone M. Raszl,Food Safety Regional Coordinator / AMR Integrated Surveillance Focal Point - PANAFTOSA/VPH-PAHO/WHO
Antimicrobial resistance as a global public health concern |
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27.08.2019 Dr Anja Buschulte, BfR, Germany and Dr Milagros Nieto, AESAN, Spain
EHEC crisis in Europe 2011 - a food safety crisis and its lessons learned |
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27.08.2019 Presentation Cristina Muñoz Madero / Antonio López Navas
AMR as a global public health concern; European overview and initiatives |
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27.08.2019 P. C. Mariela Mauro Rettich, MGAP, Uruguay
Gestion Basada en Riesgos Experiencia del MGAP |
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27.08.2019 Dr. Marta Hugas
Chief Scientist, EFSA
Challenges for global health and development |
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14.09.2018 Presentation Jingying Hu, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, PR China
Zebrafish in developmental toxicity study |
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14.09.2018 Presentation Francisco Paumgartten, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Developmental toxicity assays with freshwater snails |
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14.09.2018 Presentation Nicole Kleinstreuer, National Toxicology Program, Durham, USA
Computational tools and alternative methods in developmental toxicology |
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14.09.2018 Presentation Marlon Schneider, BfR, Berlin
Improved embryoid bodies for studying development, embryotoxicity, and placental function in vitro |
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14.09.2018 Presentation Frank Schulze, BfR, Berlin
Models used to detect skeletal anomalies: applications, limitations and future perspectives |
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14.09.2018 Presentation Susan Makris, US EPA, Washington D.C., USA
TOX 21 Developmental toxicology |
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14.09.2018 Presentation Ibrahim Chahoud, Charité, Berlin
Concluding remarks on Berlin Workshops on Developmental Toxicology |
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13.09.2018 Presentation Rupert Kellner, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM), Hannover
Update of new images and categorisation in the DevTox database |
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13.09.2018 Presentation Weihua Li, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthoods Research, PR China
Chinese version of the DevTox data base and atlas of common malformations |
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13.09.2018 Presentation Michio Fujiwara, Astellas Pharma Inc., Tokyo, Japan
Japanese version of the terminology and the atlas of developmental abnormalities in laboratory species |
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13.09.2018 Presentation Ibrahim Chahoud, Charité, Berlin
Evaluation of postnatal anomalies |
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13.09.2018 Presentation Makiko Kugawata, Hatano Research Institute, Hadano, Japan
Research on the mechanism of thoracolumbar supernumerary rib development after birth using CT scanning |
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13.09.2018 Presentation Roland Solecki, BfR, Berlin
Regulatory aspects of developmental toxicology and endocrine effects |
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13.09.2018 Presentation Alberto Mantovani, Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Rome, Italy
Classification of developmental toxic pesticides and negligible exposure |
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13.09.2018 Presentation Steffen Schneider, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen
Classification of developmentally toxic pesticides, low dose effects, mixtures |
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13.09.2018 Presentation Shiota Kohei, Shiga University, Japan
Human Data for assessment of Developmental Effects |
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01.12.2017 Presentation Dr. Ellen Mantus, National Academy of Sciences, USA
Using 21st Century Science to Improve Risk-Related Evaluations |
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01.12.2017 Presentation Dr. Myung-Sil Hwang, NIFDS, Republic of Korea
Introduction of the data management & risk assessment program in NIFDS |
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01.12.2017 Presentation Mathias Filter, BfR, Germany
Risk Assessment Modelling and Knowledge Integration Platform (RAKIP) |
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01.12.2017 Presentation Prof. Dr. Peter Fantke, DTU Management, Denmark
Linking Risk and Sustainability to meet current and future challenges in circular economy, food safety and consumer protection |
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01.12.2017 Presentation Prof. Dr. Gérard Lasfargues, ANSES, France
Trust in science, interaction with stakeholders and risk communication |
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01.12.2017 Presentation Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel, BfR, Germany
Globalised markets - Local risk assessment? |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Prof. Dr. Tony Hardy, European Food Safety Authority, EFSA
2002 - A new dawn in European Foof Safety |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Elisabeth Hauser, BfR, Germany
Microbiological threats: how have Germany and France responded to the crisis with enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) and what about the future? |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Patrick Fach, ANSES, France
How have Germany and France responded to the crisis with Enterohemorrhagic E. coli O104:H4 and what about the future? |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Sofia Duarte, DTU, Denmark
Antimicrobial resistance I: Situation and strategies in Europe |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Soohwan Suh, NIFDS, Republic of Korea
Antimicrobial resistance II: Situation and strategies in Korea |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Prof. Dr. Reimar Johne, BfR, Germany
Emerging pathogens - foodborne viruses |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Vera Ritz and Dr. Philip Marx-Stölting, BfR, Germany
Endocrine Disruptors: OECD work EU criteria and guidance |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Prof. Dr. Hyang Sook Chun, NIFDS, Republic of Korea
Risk Assessment of Aflatoxins |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Charlotte Grastilleur, ANSES, France
Facing new facts: marine biotoxins as a challenge for food safety |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Katrin Löschner, DTU, Denmark
Analytical challenges for nanomaterials in risk assessment |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Eelco Pieke, DTU, Denmark
Fighting unknown chemicals: analytical strategies for risk prioritization |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Sisse Fagt, DTU, Denmark
Dietary surveys in risk assessment |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Chris Roth, ANSES, France
Data challenges to improve dietary exposure assessment - examples from Anses' point of view |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Amélie Crépet, ANSES, France
Mixtures prioritization based on exposure and hazard |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Youngho Koh, NIFDS, Republic of Korea
Lessons learned from recent food fraud in Korea |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Tobin Robinson, European Food Safety Authority, EFSA
How to build a crystal ball - the art of Emerging Risk Identification |
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30.11.2017 Presentation Dr. Maarten Nauta, DTU, Denmark
Risk-Benefit Assessment of Foods |
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03.06.2016 Presentation Prof. Lynn Frewer, University Newcastle
Public engagement in policy decisions |
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03.06.2016 Presentation Dr. Pierre-Benoit Joly, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
Putting old wine in new bottles? The challenges of participatory sciences |
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03.06.2016 Presentation Olivia Delgado Roth, ANSES
Public Consultation on the French report about "Radiofrequencies and Children" |
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03.06.2016 Presentation Dr. Ric van Poll, RIVM
RIVM and Participation - The case of the Knowledge Platforms |
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03.06.2016 Presentation Philippe Chamaret, Institut Ecocitoyen pour la connaissance des pollutions
VOCE project / Citizen observation of the environment |
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03.06.2016 Presentation Dr. Hans Keune, INBO
A(n expert) learning experience in CITI-SENSE |
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03.06.2016 Presentation Kyran Donald, HSE
The Black Method - How participation can overcome complexity |
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03.06.2016 Presentation Dr. Erik de Bakker, Wageningen University
The Societal Incubator and nanofood - A solution for "waiting games"? |
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03.06.2016 Presentation Dr. Christian Kuhlicke, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Reputational risks and participation in flood risk management and the public debate about the 2013 flood in Germany |
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03.06.2016 Presentation Dr. Pauline Landel, former INRA
More Participation, Better Technological Choices? Participation and Access to Evidence. The Case of Conservation Agriculture. |
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02.06.2016 Presentation Benoit Vergriette, PRG Steering Committee French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES)
Mission statement and activities of the Paris Risk Group |
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02.06.2016 Presentation Jeroen Devilee, RIVM
Stakeholder engagement at RIVM - Why do we do it and what ist the quality of current activities? |
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02.06.2016 Presentation Dr. Régine Boutrais, ANSES and Dr. Aymeric Luneau, CNRS/GIS Participation
Stakeholder participation at ANSES: different modalities and evaluation |
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02.06.2016 Presentation Dr. Joanna Disson, Food Standards Agency (FSA)
The Role of Public Dialoque in Informing the Future of Food |
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02.06.2016 Presentation Lucia de Luca, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
EFSA's scientific opinion on caffeine and stakeholder engagement |
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Publications - Brochures
(1)Date | Title | Size |
01.05.2024 Brochure
Guideline for the assessment of health risks |
778.7 KB![]() |
Press releases
(9)Date | Title | Keywords |
15.05.2024 14/2024
Natural toxins in food: Many people are not aware of the health risks | |
21.02.2024 03/2024
Urgently needed: New strategies for the risk assessment of genotoxic substances | |
27.12.2023 31/2023
What nature's poison kitchen offers | |
06.11.2023 21/2023
Researching health risks in the population | |
23.06.2023 11/2023
From the trough to the plate – why safe feed is important also for human health | |
05.07.2022 26/2022
How risky is it? New "BfR2GO" issue with cover story on 20th anniversary of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment | |
17.10.2019 38/2019
What's in your food? The BfR MEAL Study newsletter provides up-to-date and concise information | |
30.11.2017 47/2017
International symposium: The challenge of risk assessment in times of global goods flows | |
23.11.2015 36/2015
Scientific expertise for those on the move |
Topic pages
(6)Third party projects
(12)Project |
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025
01.06.2021 - 31.05.2026
18.02.2022 - 18.08.2025
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2029
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
04.04.2023 - 31.03.2027
04.04.2023 - 31.03.2027
04.04.2023 - 31.03.2027
18.04.2023 - 17.04.2027
Project |
15.10.2021 - 24.10.2024
01.12.2021 - 30.11.2024
16.05.2023 - 15.11.2024