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Extend the content, functionality and usability of the online FSK-Web model repository (EFSA-BfR-FPA SA7)


Funding programme / funding institution: EFSA

Grant number: SA7 des EFSA-BfR-FPA GP/EFSA/AMU/2016/01

Project homepage:

Project description:

The transfer and re-use of existing food safety knowledge (ranging from experimental data and published mathematical models to risk assessment software code) is still a major bottleneck in the area of food safety risk assessment. On the basis of the lessons learned from the development of a prototypic QMRA food and feed safety model repository “FSK-Web”, during Specific Agreement (SA) 3, this Specific Agreement will work towards the development and operation of a production model repository that will include risk assessment models that can be created, uploaded, downloaded and executed online, based on user input on model parameters.

The repository should benefit risk assessors in EU Member States, and therefore needs to be fully functional, optimized and error free, as well as populated with a variety of useful curated models. Regardless of the final platform that will host the repository, the link to EFSA's Knowledge Junction (KJ), as developed during SA 3, needs to be retained and be fully functional. Detailed manuals and online resources (e.g. video tutorials) need to be developed to support the use of the repository and its linking to the KJ. Functional details, including annotation guidelines, terms of use of the repository, curation of the content, software and license issues, authorship and notification of the authors, versioning, disclaimers, liabilities etc. need to be addressed.

It is expected that before the beginning of the project, or during its initial stages, EFSA will join the RAKIP Initiative, in which case, all tasks and deliverables described will concern (be integrated into) the RAKIP Model repository.

Project partners:

  • Agence nationale de sécurité sanitairede l’alimentation, de l’environnementet du travail, FR (Sanaa)
  • DTU Fødevareinstituttet (National Food Institute) (Nauta)




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