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Availability of health and environmental data for high tonnage chemicals under REACH (REACH III)


This third-party funded project is conducted in the framework of the BfR research programme on the detection of contaminants and  assessment of chemical risks.

BMUB grant number: 3716674220

Project homepage: -

Project description:

It is the aim of this project to investigate all registration dossiers of the lead registrants and opt-out dossiers for substances with an annual production volume of 100-1000 tons for selected test areas to verify to the conformity of the REACH Regulation and to obtain detailed knowledge on the data quality of registration dossiers submitted under REACH. The project is the third part of a research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety and commissioned by the German Evironment Agency. In the first two phases the data availability for substances with over 1,000 tons annual production volume, as well as adaptations from standard information requirements, were assessed. For this purpose evaluation schemes based on the REACH regulation and the corresponding guidance documents were developed, based on which a standardised screening of the registration dossiers was carried out. After making the corresponding adjustments, this scheme will be applied to the registration dossiers for substances with annual production volumes of 100-1000 tons.


Das Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

Overview of the presentations at the Workshop on data availability in REACH registrations "Mind the Gap - Data Availability in REACH Registrations" on 2 March 2015

Here are the presentations already available to us from the Workshop on data availability in REACH registrations "Mind the Gap - Data Availability in REACH Registrations" on 2 March 2015.


Date Title Size
Mitteilung Nr. 022/2015 des BfR
BfR-Forschungsprojekt zeigt: Datengrundlage vieler REACH-Registrierungsdossiers muss vervollständigt werden 134.5 KB


Press releases

Date Title Keywords
Chemikalienverordnung REACH: Unternehmen müssen nachbessern Chemikaliensicherheit, Forschung, REACH


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