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BfR2GO, Issue 1/2022, Main Topic: 20 YEARS BfR

Release date 05.07.2022


Title E-Paper PDF
"Born from crises" - In focus page 2
1019.8 KB
"Hunting for risks" - Key topic page 6
1.1 MB
"Mission: a safe everyday life" - Highlights of 20 years BfR page 12
571.2 KB
"Pills instead of vegetables?" - Infographic: survey vitamin supplements page 16
357.0 KB
"We have to communicate science more honestly" - Interview with chief reporter science from ZEIT-online, Dagny Lüdemann page 18
283.0 KB
"Is sugar = sugar?" - Survey on the knowledge of different sugar types page 20
207.4 KB
Spectrum Risk perception page 21
203.5 KB
"Bitter makes poisonous" - Lupin seeds page 22
248.1 KB
"Substantia non grata" - Ethylene oxide page 24
232.6 KB
"Consume without regrets" - Travel in (sub-)tropics page 25
606.6 KB
"In everyone's mouth" - Fluoride page 26
279.7 KB
"Popular, but largely unresearched" - Plant based nutrition page 28
329.6 KB
"How to prepare powdered milk correctly" - Infographic page 30
228.7 KB
Spectrum Food safety page 31
177.4 KB
"The end of colours?" - Tattoo inks page 32
1.3 MB
"Practical in everday life - hazardous for children" - Sources of hazards in households page 36
359.8 KB
"The risk of (almost) everything" - Exposom page 38
306.2 KB
"Aberrant mitosis" - Centrosomes page 40
528.8 KB
"Where it counts" - Statistic on laboratory animals page 43
154.0 KB
Inside the institute page 44
329.9 KB


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