BfR Annual Report 2013 - page 18

BfR | Annual Report 2013
“Identifying risks – protecting health” – this is the central task of the BfR. The institute is headed by
its President, Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel, and Vice-President Prof. Dr. Reiner Wittkowski. They are
supported in their work by several staff units and the nine departments profiled below.
Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel
Professor Dr. Reiner Wittkowski
The Administration Department is
the service provider for all the spe-
cialist departments of the institute:
it handles infrastructure, personnel
recruitment, advice for employees in
personnel matters, control and moni-
toring of income and expenditures,
and the organisational and technical
maintenance of the premises and the
institute grounds. The department
publishes organisational regulations
for the institute and is also responsible
for compliance with legal regulations.
Department Administration
Head: Heike Morisse
The Risk Communication Depart-
ment conducts research projects on
the perception of risks in the public
sphere and on the early identification
and impact assessment of risks. A
further focus of its work is crisis pre-
vention and coordination. The depart-
ment also comprises press and PR
activities, the BfR committees and the
BfR-Akademie. To this end, BfR enters
into an active dialogue with various
stakeholders from science, trade and
industry, political circles, the media,
associations, non-governmental or-
ganisations and consumers.
Department Risk Communication
Head: PD Dr. Gaby-Fleur Böl
The Exposure Department assesses
the exposure of the consumer in the
areas of food, chemicals and product
safety, and offers interdisciplinary sci-
entific cooperation services in fields
such as mathematical modelling. The
department performs statutory tasks
in the areas of chemicals safety, dan-
gerous goods transport, poison and
product documentation, and good
laboratory practice. It also conducts
research projects and is an IT service
provider for the BfR.
Department Exposure
Head: Professor Dr. Matthias Greiner
The Executive Board and
the Departments
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