BfR Annual Report 2013 - page 11

In Germany the surveillance authorities of the Federal
States are responsible for monitoring compliance with
national and European statutory provisions of consumer
health protection. The BfR itself does not perform a moni-
toring function, but it supports Germany's federal states
The BfR assesses the health risks of food and feed, chemicals and consumer products. The ingredients of products are also
a focal point of the institute's work.
in this task by, for example, developing and establishing
analytical methods for monitoring purposes or by issu-
ing expert opinions on topical issues of consumer health
protection. The BfR is also involved in a number of regis-
tration and approval procedures.
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Ministries and subordinated authorities of the 16 federal states
About the BfR
For justified consumer protection
measures, the current state of
scientific knowledge is first ascer-
tained from the Federal Institute
for Risk Assessment. In contrast,
the Federal Office of Consumer
Protection and Food Safety is
responsible for management tasks
at the federal level.
Federal Institute for Risk
Assessment (BfR)
Federal Office of Consumer
Protection and Food Safety (BVL)
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