BfR Annual Report 2014 - page 10

Annual Report 2014
The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) was set up in November 2002 to strengthen consumer
health protection. It is the scientific agency of the Federal Republic of Germany which is responsible for
preparing expert reports and opinions on food and feed safety as well as on the safety of chemicals and
products. By doing so, the Institute plays an important role in improving consumer protection and food
safety. In its assessments and recommendations, the BfR is free from economic, political and social inter-
ests, and it provides its information in a way that can be easily understood by the general public.
Objectives and mission
Every day, the employees of the Federal Institute for Risk
Assessment, or BfR for short, prepare around a dozen
reports and opinions assessing the health risks of foods
and feeds, consumer goods and chemicals. The BfR
communicates its findings and recommendations to pol-
icy makers and the general public. The federal govern-
ment uses the opinions of the BfR as a basis for ensur-
ing consumer health protection. Set up in 2002, the BfR
today employs about 760 people in nine departments at
three locations in Berlin.
The tasks of the BfR include the assessment of exist-
ing and the identification of new health risks, the drawing
up of recommendations on risk reduction, and the com-
munication of this process. The results of its work serve
as the basis for scientific advice to the relevant federal
ministries and other agencies, such as the Federal Of-
fice of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) and
the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(BAuA). The work results and recommendations of the
BfR serve all interested parties as a decision-making
aid for taking the necessary measures. With its scientifi-
cally based risk assessment activities, the BfR provides
important stimuli for consumer health protection both in
Germany and abroad.
In its risk assessment and research work, the BfR is ad-
vised by a network of scientific experts made up of com-
mittees and the Scientific Advisory Board. As the central
national contact or Focal Point of the European Food
Safety Authority, the BfR is also integrated into European
consumer protection.
With its work, the BfR makes a decisive contribution towards protecting consumer health.
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