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Transfer of fourteen pesticides from grapes (Vitis vinifera) into wine – Comparison of spiked grapes with grapes treated in the field

Pesticide residues in grapes are usually transferred into the wine during vinification and thus, contribute to a certain human exposure. The objective of the present study was to explore whether spiked samples could be a suitable alternative to the still mandatory field-treated samples in the processing study set-up. Grapes treated with fluxapyroxad in the vineyard and untreated grapes spiked with fluxapyroxad after harvest were processed into wine to check for differences in residual fluxapyroxad. The result: No significant differences were found, indicating that field-treated samples are not an absolute necessity for investigating the transfer of pesticides into wine.

The article was published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.

Transfer of fourteen pesticides from grapes (Vitis vinifera) into wine – Comparison of spiked grapes with grapes treated in the field

Arno Kittelmann, Carola Müller, Sascha Rohn, Britta Michalski

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis

Volume 137, Part B


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