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The BfR Corona Monitor is a recurring representative survey on the risk perception of the population in Germany towards the novel coronavirus. Since 24 March 2020, randomly selected people have been asked by telephone on a regular base about their perception of the risk of infection and the protective measures they have taken.

Overview of the BfR-Corona-Monitor questionnaire (status 11 April 2023)

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 04 - 05 April 2023

In the week before the Easter holidays, the proportion of respondents who get tested for the coronavirus decreases by 8 percent compared to the previous month and is now at 40 percent. On the other hand, the proportion of those who use disinfectants more often to protect themselves against infection with the coronavirus has increased (47 vs. 38 percent). The perceived controllability of an infection is highest in the 14-39 age group. Here, 43 percent say they are sure or very sure that they can protect themselves from infection - among 40-59 year-olds, the proportion is lowest at 37 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 07 - 08 March 2023

The people in Germany are taking individual measures more frequently again to protect themselves and others from the novel coronavirus: 48 percent of respondents to the latest BfR-Corona-Monitor reported getting tested for infection - an increase of 8 percent compared to last month. The proportion of people who wash their hands more thoroughly (67 vs. 70 percent) or use the Corona-Warn-App (34 vs. 37 percent) to protect themselves also increased during this period.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 07 - 08 February 2023

The perceived probability of infection with the novel corona virus continues to decrease in some areas: In January, 30 percent of respondents to the BfR Corona Monitor rated the probability of infection in shops for daily needs as high or very high, while this proportion now lies at 23 percent. The values for the probability of infection in public transportation (51 to 47 percent) and in catering establishments (33 to 29 percent) have also fallen.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 03 - 05 January 2023

The public's level of information about some aspects of the novel coronavirus is on the rise again: 66 percent of respondents in the latest Corona-Monitor report they feel well informed about the symptoms of coronavirus disease, up from 61 percent last month. In addition, the percentage of people who feel well informed about the procedure in case of a suspected infection has increased from 62 to 67 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 6 - 7 December 2022

People in Germany do not protect themselves as often against the novel coronavirus: Compared to previous months, fewer respondents in the current BfR Corona Monitor report wearing masks or keeping more distance to other people. The proportion of those who stay at home to protect themselves from infection has also fallen further.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 2 - 3 November 2022

Since October 1, 2022, the federal states have been given the possibility to impose stricter measures locally. Whereas at the beginning of the introduction, 69 percent of respondents saw this as an appropriate measure, this share has risen further to 74 percent after four weeks.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 4 - 5 October 2022

The majority of the population considers the newly established regulation on nationwide compulsory testing in healthcare facilities to be an appropriate measure. According to the survey, 87 percent are in favor of the obligation to provide a negative Covid-19 test result - in addition to wearing an FFP2 mask - in order to visit hospitals and nursing facilities from 1 October 2022 onwards.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 6 - 7 September 2022

The current developments of the COVID-19 pandemic are increasingly fading into the background for many people. At the moment, only 35 percent of the population in Germany say they feel well informed about the current number of infections. At the same time, the proportion of people who are concerned about the effects of the coronavirus on various areas of their lives is also decreasing.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 2 - 3 August 2022

Proven hygiene measures continue to play an important role in containing the coronavirus. For example, 67 percent of the respondents say they have washed their hands more thoroughly within the last two weeks. 48 percent have also used disinfectants more frequently in the same period.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 5 - 6 July 2022

As the number of infections rises, the population again estimates the risk of becoming infected with the coronavirus to be slightly higher. Whereas at the beginning of June, 31 percent of the respondents suspected a high risk of infection in catering establishments, this figure has now risen to 40 percent. In the workplace, 35 percent see a high risk of infection - eight percentage points more than four weeks ago.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 7 - 8 June 2022

Although it no longer applies in many areas, the mask requirement is still accepted by 87 percent of the population. An influence of age is also evident here: while 92 percent of those aged 60 and over support this measure, approval is a little lower in the younger age groups.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 24 - 25 May 2022

In recent weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has moved further and further into the background in the media. This can also be seen in how well informed the population feels about the pandemic. In the current survey, 38 percent say they are well informed about the current infection figures - at the beginning of February this figure was still 62 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 10 - 12 May 2022

The warm temperatures and decreasing incidence rates are luring more people out of their homes again. In the current survey, the proportion of people who said that they had met friends or family less frequently or left their homes less frequently to protect themselves from an infection with the coronavirus has fallen to around one third each.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 26 - 27 April 2022

Even in mild cases, people can still suffer from symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue or muscle weakness weeks after an infection with the coronavirus. Just under half of the population feels well informed about such corona long-term effects. This is a clear difference to the acute symptoms of an infection. Here, more than two-thirds say they are well informed about this.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 12 - 13 April 2022

After the mandatory use of masks was abolished in many locations at the beginning of April, the population's perception of risk has increased. Currently, 37 percent rate the probability of contracting the coronavirus in shops for daily needs - such as supermarkets or drugstores - as high. At the end of March, it was at 24 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 29 - 30 March 2022

For two years now, much of the media coverage has been dominated by the corona pandemic. Nevertheless, the population in Germany does not feel equally educated about all aspects of the coronavirus. For instance, only half of the population (49 percent) currently feel well informed about the regulations in force. In contrast, people rate their level of information about the current vaccination recommendations higher: Here, 64 percent say they are well informed.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 15 - 16 March 2022

Compared to the past few months, the population in Germany is slightly more relaxed towards the coronavirus: In the current BfR-Corona-Monitor, fewer respondents say that they are concerned about the impact of the coronavirus on their social relationships and on their physical and mental health. The proportion of those who leave their home less frequently to protect themselves from an infection has also decreased.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 1 - 2 March 2022

People in Germany feel less informed about the current infection numbers of the coronavirus than they did a month ago: While 62 percent of the respondents in the BfR Corona Monitor felt well informed about this at the beginning of February, the current figure is only 52 percent. People aged 60 years and over rate their overall level of information about the infection numbers even higher than younger people.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 15 - 16 February 2022

Currently, the majority of the population is not very concerned about how the coronavirus will affect different areas of their lives. In this regard, around 20 percent each are worried about their social relationships and their mental health. These concerns are somewhat more pronounced among people under 40 years of age.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 1 - 2 February 2022

Two thirds of the population see a high risk of infection with the coronavirus in schools and day-care centres. Public transport is also considered a place of infection. However, the majority feel safe outside.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 18 - 19 January 2022

Around one third of the respondents believe they cannot protect themselves from an infection with the novel coronavirus. Especially people between the ages of 40 and 59 consider their risk of infection to be high. Those aged 60 and over, on the other hand, are the most confident that they can avoid an infection.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 4 - 5 January 2022

Just under half (45%) of the population in Germany feels well informed about the events surrounding the novel coronavirus - that is 9 percentage points less than in the last survey shortly before Christmas. The media coverage is judged to be appropriate by 62 percent, 32 percent consider it to be exaggerated.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 21 - 22 December 2021

The newly adopted facility-based vaccine mandate is considered to be an appropriate measure by the majority of the population (76 percent). Accordingly, employees of certain healthcare facilities - such as hospitals or nursing homes - must provide proof of vaccination or recovery by March 15, 2022.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 7 - 8 December 2021

The new corona measures meet with broad acceptance: 94 percent of the respondents consider the reintroduced obligation to work from home to be appropriate, and 74 percent support the contact restrictions for persons who are neither vaccinated nor recovered.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 23 - 24 November 2021

To protect themselves and others from an infection with the coronavirus, many people in Germany are once again reducing their social contacts, are leaving their homes less frequently and are keeping more distance to other people in everyday life. Also, concerns about the possible impact on social relationships have increased considerably compared to the last survey - one third are currently concerned about this.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 9 - 10 November 2021

Currently, the number of reported coronavirus infections is increasing in Germany as well. At the same time, there is growing concern among the population about contracting the virus. While at the end of October more than half of the respondents felt safe or very safe from an infection, the current figure is only 42 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 26 - 27 October 2021

About half of the respondents are sure or very sure that they can protect themselves from an infection with the coronavirus. About one in five people state to be concerned about the impact of the corona events on their social relationships as well as their physical and mental health.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 12 - 13 October 2021

About half of the population (54 %) feels well informed about what is happening with the novel coronavirus. In contrast, 17 % feel poorly informed. The most frequently used sources of information on the COVID-19 pandemic are currently television, radio and personal contacts.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 28 - 29 September 2021

The 2G rule meets with substantially less approval among the population than the 3G rule. Currently, 83 percent of the respondents see the 3G rule as an appropriate measure to contain the coronavirus. In comparison, the 2G rule is supported by 56 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 14 - 15 September 2021

The acceptance of the 3G rule is increasing among the population: 82 percent of the respondents consider the extended testing obligation to be appropriate. Two weeks ago, this value was still at 75 percent. Almost half of the respondents (49%) say they have been tested for the coronavirus in the past two weeks - an increase of 5 percentage points since the last survey.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 31 August - 1 September 2021

The majority of the population in Germany is in favour of the 3G rule. Three out of four respondents feel that the extended testing obligation for all unvaccinated and unrecovered people is appropriate. Among older people aged 60 and over, the approval for the 3G rule is particularly high at 85 percent; in comparison 71 percent of younger people consider the rule appropriate.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 17 - 18 August 2021

Overall, the acceptance of the measures to contain the coronavirus is slightly decreasing. In addition to the restrictions in the cultural sector and the limitation of the number of customers, the population considers especially the contact restrictions to be less appropriate. Currently, this value is at 60 percent – a decrease of 11 percentage points compared to the last survey two weeks ago.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 3 - 4 August 2021

The mandatory tests for returnees who are neither vaccinated nor recovered are widely accepted by the population. 89 percent of the respondents consider the measure for the containment of the coronavirus to be appropriate. Also, the number of people who are sure or very sure that they can protect themselves against an infection has risen to 60 percent. In the weeks before, the value had dropped slightly.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 20 - 21 July 2021

After almost a year and a half of the pandemic, measures to protect oneself against an infection have become an integral part of everyday life for many people. 96 percent of the respondents say they continue to wear a mask, and 75 percent still keep their distance from others. However, the number of people who say they leave their homes less frequently has decreased noticeably in recent weeks and is currently at 40 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 6 - 8 July 2021

The concern about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on social relationships is on the rise again: 29 percent of the respondents are currently worried about this. In addition, the number of people who feel badly or very badly informed about the coronavirus situation has increased by 10 percentage points over the past two weeks to 26 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 22 - 23 June 2021

The personal environment is losing importance as a source of information in the coronavirus pandemic: currently, just over a third (35%) obtain information about the virus on a daily basis from personal conversations with family and acquaintances. In contrast, television continues to be the most used information channel.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 8 - 9 June 2021

With increasing vaccination rates and decreasing numbers of infections, the population's feeling of safety is also rising. The majority of the population in Germany thinks it can control its risk of an infection well. 62 percent are confident that they can protect themselves from an infection with the coronavirus. At the end of March of this year, only 40 percent of the respondents felt that way.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 25 - 26 May 2021

In the current survey, 70 percent of the respondents say they have been tested for the coronavirus in the period around Ascension Day and Pentecost - that is 11 percentage points more than a month ago. At the same time, 26 percent of the respondents are currently concerned that the coronavirus will affect their social relationships. At the end of April, this figure was still at 40 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 11 - 12 May 2021

More than half (54%) of the respondents rate the media coverage of the coronavirus as appropriate. Additionally, 57 percent say they feel very well or well informed about current corona events - an increase of 12 percentage points since the end of March. In the same period, the number of those who are confident that they can control their own risk of infection rose from 40 to 58 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 27 - 28 April 2021

60 percent of the respondents consider the new nationwide curfew regulation from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. to be inappropriate. This regulation will apply regionally from a 7-day incidence of 100. The opinions on this differs considerably between the age groups. While 57 percent of respondents aged 60 and over support the measure, only about one fifth of those under 40 do so.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 13 - 14 April 2021

46 percent of respondents are confident that they can protect themselves from an infection with the coronavirus. Two weeks earlier, this figure was still at 40 percent. It seems that the sense of security also depends on age. 54 percent of those who are 60 or older think they can protect themselves from an infection - for each of the younger age groups, this figure is only just over 40 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 30 - 31 March 2021

In the current survey, 40 percent of the respondents say they have been tested for the coronavirus in the past two weeks. In addition, before Easter, the majority are relying on the common measures to protect themselves from the coronavirus: covers for mouth and nose, distance to others, reducing contacts and more thorough hand washing.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 16 - 17 March 2021

The national vaccination strategy is losing some support compared to the last survey. Currently, 58 percent of the respondents are in favor of the determination of the order in which people in Germany are entitled to a vaccination. In contrast, 81 percent of the respondents think that limiting the number of customers in stores is appropriate - one of the conditions under which retailers were able to reopen in large parts of Germany.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 2 - 3 March 2021

According to the current BfR-Corona-Monitor of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), 43 percent of the respondents have already had themselves tested for the virus. The survey, which has been conducted regularly for almost a year now, documents how the population is dealing with the situation, what they are doing to protect themselves and how they are informing themselves about the current events.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 16 - 17 February 2021

The population's approval of the national vaccination strategy is declining. In the current survey, 64 percent of the respondents state that they consider the order in which the population in Germany is supposed to be vaccinated as appropriate. In mid-January, 74 percent expressed this opinion.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 2 - 3 February 2021

The majority of the population supports the new home office regulation. The occupational health and safety regulation regarding the coronavirus has been in effect throughout Germany since the end of January. It requires companies to offer their employees the opportunity to work from home, as far as their work permits. According to the BfR-Corona-Monitor, 86 percent of the respondents consider the regulation appropriate.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 19 - 20 January 2021

The approach for the corona vaccination receives approval. Anyone who belongs to a risk group, lives in a nursing home or works in healthcare is first entitled to a vaccination against the novel coronavirus. The order for vaccination protection is regulated by the national vaccination strategy. Three out of four respondents consider the strategy appropriate.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 5 - 6 January 2021

Despite cold temperatures, the population counts on fresh air to avoid contracting the coronavirus. In all age groups, about four out of five respondents say they ventilate more frequently. Additionally, respondents try to protect themselves from an infection mainly by wearing masks, keeping distance from other people and washing their hands more frequently.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 17 - 18 December 2020

In the days before Christmas, the overall acceptance of the measures increased once again. At the beginning of the month, 62 percent approved the closure of cultural institutions and 54 percent the closure of restaurants. In the current survey, the figures rose to 74 percent and 62 percent. Overall, Three out of four respondents approve the planned ban on fireworks.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 8 - 9 December 2020

Two weeks before Christmas, acceptance of some containment measures increases: While, for example, the closing of cultural institutions was only supported by 49 percent of respondents at the beginning of November, it is now considered appropriate by 62 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 24 - 25 November 2020

Worries about interpersonal relationships are currently taking precedence. About a third of the respondents are concerned about the impact of the coronavirus on their social contacts. By contrast, only around a quarter are worried about their health and their economic situation.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 10 - 11 November 2020

The legislation in force since the beginnung of November for the containment of the coronavirus is met with mixed reactions from the general public. While measures such as mandatory distance, mandatory use of masks or quarantine continue to be widely accepted, the closure of gastronomic an cultural establishments is viewed with partial scepticism.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 27 - 28 October 2020

Even before the new corona rules come into force in November, many are more cautious again. The proportion of those, who say that they meet less frequently with family or friends, rose from 65 to 76 percent. Furthermore, 69 percent say, they leave their home less - an increase by 10 percentage points.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 13 - 14 October 2020

The majority of the population considers the measures introduced by the Federal Government and the Länder to stem the spread of the coronavirus to be appropriate. Only the recently introduced ban on accommodating people from risk areas within Germany is met with much less acceptance: Only 45 percent regard the regulation as appropriate.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 29 - 30 September 2020

Social media play a not inconsiderable role as an information channel on the events surrounding the new coronavirus. In the current survey, 25 percent state that they obtain information from this medium. Thereby the proportion of younger people (under 40 years of age) is higher than the proportion of older people (40 years and older).

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 15 - 16 September 2020

Despite coronavirus, social contacts increase again. Only 60 percent of the respondents say that they meet up with friends less often. At the same time, the proportion of people concerned about the impact of the virus on their social relationships fell to 15 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 1 - 2 September 2020

The population in Germany spends more time outdoors again: While 73 percent of the population said they left their home less at the beginning of summer in mid-June, this figure is 60 percent in the current survey. In contrast, the mandatory corona tests for returnees continue to receive broad approval (90 percent).

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 18 - 19 August 2020
The vast majority supports mandatory corona tests for returnees (91 percent). Acceptance of the other containment measures also remains at a high level. For example, the distance regulation, the mandatory use of masks and the cancellation of events are considered appropriate by more than 85 percent of the participants.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 4 - 6 August 2020 
An interim evaluation after 20 weeks: Although a certain habituation effect to the pandemic can be observed in the population, the topic is still relevant for them. Most people actively inform themselves about what is happening, comply with government regulations and take measures voluntarily to prevent an infection with the virus.

BfR-Corona-Monitor – as to 21 - 22 July 2020
The acceptance of the mandatory wearing of masks has reached a new peak in the German-speaking population. While in the survey of 12 May 2020 a total of 73 percent of the respondents considered the mandatory wearing of masks to be appropriate, the figure in the current survey is 92 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor – as to 7 - 8 July 2020
The population in Germany is devoting more attention to their social relationships again. While at the end of June, 80 percent stated that they meet with friends or family less often, this figure fell to 72 percent in the current survey.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 23 - 24 June 2020
One week after the launch of the Corona-Warn-App, it has already been downloaded millions of times. It seems that younger people are more likely to use the app than older people. 40 percent of those under the age of 40 state that they use the app. In contrast, among the more vulnerable persons aged 60 and over, this figure is significantly lower at 19 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 9 - 10 June 2020
The current data show that only a relatively small part of the population is concerned about impacts on their own lives. However, there is still widespread support for measures to contain the disease.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 26 May 2020
An interim evaluation of the BfR-Corona-Monitor after ten weeks shows trends in the perception of the pandemic with regard to possible sources of infection, personal and societal protective measures as well as the importance of the media. What becomes clear: The risk of coronavirus is still taken seriously.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 19 May 2020
Since the start of the survey in March, television and internet have always been the most frequently cited sources of information on what is happening around the novel coronavirus. Print media and radio follow at a considerable distance.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 12 May 2020
The perceived safety from an infection with the novel coronavirus grows. While in the first survey in March only 28 percent of the respondents thought they could protect themselves against an infection, this figure has now risen to 41 percent.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 5 May 2020
The desire for social contacts increases. Only 67 percent of the respondents regard the contact prohibition as appropriate - in March, however, it was accepted by 92 percent. Additionally, only 63 percent considered proximity to other people to be a probable path of infection - a decrease of nine percentage points compared to the previous week.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 28 April 2020
In the sixth week of the "BfR-Corona-Monitor" the extent of the health and economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic are estimated to be about the same. While in the previous weeks the respondents felt more affected by the economic than the health impacts, this difference is no longer discernible in the current week.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 21 April 2020
Wearing a protective mask has become mandatory or is strongly recommended in many places throughout Germany. Six out of seven participants (86 percent) consider this measure to be appropriate. A third of the participants also stated that they already wear protective clothing such as face masks or gloves.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 14 April 2020
The Fear of coronavirus declines. While in the previous week 40 percent of the respondents stated that they considered the consequential harms of an infection with the coronavirus to be large, this figure has now dropped to 26 percent. Young people in particular no longer consider the health impacts to be this large.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 7 April 2020
Risk awareness is higher in old age. The impact of a coronavirus infection on health is estimated by 40 percent of participants to be large. For people aged 60 and over, this proportion is 54 percent. Thus, risk awareness is notably higher among people who are more at risk due to their age than among younger age groups.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 31 March 2020
More people protect themselves from coronavirus. 78 percent of the survey participants take special care not to get infected with the virus. Avoiding the public was still the most frequent protective measure spontaneously mentioned by the participants. However, wearing protective clothing including masks or gloves was more important than in the previous week.

BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 24 March 2020
Which things worry the people of Germany most about the novel coronavirus and risk of infection? They mainly see proximity to other people (81 per cent) and contaminated door handles (61 per cent) as a probable transmission pathway for the pathogen.



Date Title Size
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 24 March 2020 878.1 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 31 March 2020 1.1 MB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 7 April 2020 1.1 MB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 14 April 2020 1.1 MB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 21 April 2020 1.1 MB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 28 April 2020 1.1 MB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 5 May 2020 1.1 MB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 12 May 2020 1.1 MB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 19 May 2020 1.2 MB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 26 May 2020 1.2 MB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 9 - 10 June 2020 382.8 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 23 - 24 June 2020 417.4 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 7 - 8 July 2020 415.3 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 21 - 22 July 2020 419.6 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 4 - 6 August 2020 427.0 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 18 - 19 August 2020 432.5 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 1 - 2 September 2020 443.1 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 15 - 16 September 2020 435.3 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 29 - 30 September 2020 439.9 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 13 - 14 October 2020 440.7 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 27 - 28 October 2020 433.7 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 10 - 11 November 2020 458.8 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 24 - 25 November 2020 465.0 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 8 - 9 December 2020 463.5 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 17 - 18 December 2020 469.1 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 5 - 6 January 2021 504.6 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 19 - 20 January 2021 518.8 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 2 - 3 February 2021 506.2 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 16 - 17 February 2021 514.0 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 2 - 3 March 2021 520.4 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 16 - 17 March 2021 611.6 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 30 - 31 March 2021 584.0 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 13 - 14 April 2021 588.1 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 27 - 28 April 2021 600.1 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 11 - 12 May 2021 599.8 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 25 - 26 May 2021 779.2 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 8 - 9 June 2021 778.4 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 22 - 23 June 2021 776.6 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 6 - 8 July 2021 739.3 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 20 - 21 July 2021 738.4 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 3 - 4 August 2021 830.5 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 17 - 18 August 2021 803.8 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 31 August - 1 September 2021 811.7 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 14 - 15 September 2021 805.6 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 28 - 29 September 2021 810.8 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 12 - 13 October 2021 856.9 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 26 - 27 October 2021 859.2 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 9 - 10 November 2021 868.1 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 23 - 24 November 2021 875.6 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 7 - 8 December 2021 880.2 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 21 - 22 December 2021 904.0 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 4 - 5 January 2022 919.4 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 18 - 19 January 2022 914.7 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 1 - 2 February 2022 847.0 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 15 - 16 February 2022 671.2 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 1 - 2 March 2022 834.7 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 15 - 16 March 2022 654.5 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 29 - 30 March 2022 640.2 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 12 - 13 April 2022 735.2 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 26 - 27 April 2022 740.0 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 10 - 12 May 2022 765.2 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 24 - 25 May 2022 769.4 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 7 - 8 June 2022 600.6 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 5 - 6 July 2022 612.6 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 2 - 3 August 2022 563.5 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 6 - 7 September 2022 610.5 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 4 - 5 October 2022 613.5 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 2 - 3 November 2022 614.2 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 6 - 7 December 2022 602.3 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 03 - 05 January 2023 608.1 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 07 - 08 February 2023 607.7 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 07 - 08 March 2023 606.0 KB
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 04 - 05 April 2023 606.2 KB


Other documents

Date Title Size
Overview of the BfR-Corona-Monitor questionnaire (status 11 April 2023) 880.4 KB


Press releases

Date Title Keywords
Corona long-term effects: Just under half of the population feels well informed COVID-19/corona, risk perception, viruses
Corona pandemic: Only half of the population feel well informed about the current regulations COVID-19/corona, risk perception, viruses
Infection with the coronavirus: Two thirds of the population see a high risk in schools and day-care centres COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Coronavirus: Around one third believe they cannot protect themselves from an infection COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Corona measures: New regulations met with broad acceptance COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
COVID-19 pandemic: Population feels less safe COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
3G or 2G? How the rules are received COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
3G rule: Three out of four support the new regulations COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Latest BfR-Corona-Monitor: population limits its leisure behaviour less COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Growing feeling of safety among the population COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Infection with Corona: Sense of security among the population has slightly increased COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Corona: Nearly half of the population has already gotten tested COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Working from home: Majority supports the new regulation COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Corona vaccination: Approach receives approval COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Protection against corona: 82 percent ventilate more frequently COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
The majority of respondents approves the tightening of measures COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Coronavirus pandemic: Entering the Christmas season with caution COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Even before the new corona rules come into force, many have become more cautious COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Ban on accommodation meets with mixed acceptance among the population COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Despite coronavirus: Social contacts increase again COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Vast majority supports mandatory corona tests for returnees COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Population still considers coronavirus pandemic relevant COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
A quarter say they use the Corona-Warn-App COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Coronavirus: The majority is not worried, but still cautious COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
The risk of coronavirus is still taken seriously COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Coronavirus infection: Perceived safety grows COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Coronavirus pandemic: Increased desire for social contacts COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Coronavirus: health and economic concerns COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Mandatory wearing of masks finds broad approval COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Fear of coronavirus declines COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Coronavirus pandemic: risk awareness is higher in old age COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
More people protect themselves from coronavirus COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses
Infection with the coronavirus: Most feared are other people - and door handles COVID-19/corona, food safety , viruses


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