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"Bone-on-a-chip" - Scientific BfR poster on alternatives to animal experiments receives an award
A Summer School on alternatives to experiments with animals for risk assessment was held in Ispra, Italy from the 16th to 19th of May 2017. The event was organised by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. The objective was to conduct a comprehensive training on ultramodern alternative methods to animal experiments for predictive toxicology and to promote their use in modern risk assessment.
Dr. Frank Schulze working in the unit "Alternative methods to animal experiments and ZEBET" headed by Professor Dr. Marlon Schneider and Professor Dr. Gilbert Schönfelder presented a poster on the subject "A bone-on-a-chip for basic science and identification of bone-harming substances". Conventional 2D cell culture is limited when it comes to provide tissue-specific parameters such as the local pH value. One possible way of overcoming this is the use of organ-on-a-chip systems. Organ-on-a-chip is the name given to a system which consists of a microfluidic platform for the cultivation of cells or 3D organoids and which is capable of recreating the physiological parameters of a certain tissue or organ, thereby simulating its function. Accordingly, the "bone-on-a-chip" presented will be able to simulate adult tissue as well as the formation of new bone, thus enabling a variety of applications in basic research and toxicology.
The poster presented by the BfR was awarded a poster prize (1st place).