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Risks of misinterpretation of biomarker measurements in spot urine adjusted for creatinine - A problem especially for studies comparing plant based with omnivorous diets

Biomarker measurements in spot urine are often adjusted for creatinine to control for dilution resulting from individual hydration. However, creatinine is not only an endogenous degradation product of creatine, but also an exogenous food ingredient taken up due to consumption especially of cooked animal muscle. Meat and fish consumption leads to a temporary increase of urinary creatinine excretion and of creatinine serum/plasma levels. Therefore, various consequences should be considered. The authors report on results of a study involving age- and sex-matched vegans and omnivores (n = 36 each).

The article was published in the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health

Risks of misinterpretation of biomarker measurements in spot urine adjusted for creatinine - A problem especially for studies comparing plant based with omnivorous diets
Klaus Abraham , Katharina Penczynski, Bernhard H. Monien, Nick Bergau, Sven Knüppel, Cornelia Weikert
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Volume 249
April 2023,




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